British Values
The government have reinforced the need to. ‘create and enforce a clear and rigorous expectation on all schools to promote the fundamental British values of democracy, the rule of law, individual liberty and mutual respect and tolerance of those with different faiths and beliefs.’
In 2014, the Government reiterated its definition of British values in the Prevent strategy.
At Cambo First School, children’s awareness of democracy begins on entry to school, where younger children are given the opportunity to cultivate self confidence and self awareness , developing collaboration and decision making skills. As children mature, they are encouraged to work together, take turns and negotiate outcomes in both learning and play situations. Classes choose their own end of term rewards and also have an input into areas of learning. Many opportunities are given for pupils to vote about curricular learning. Our pupil elected school council have a say in many issues such as what we will learn about, themes for charitable fundraising and deciding which charity to donate to, identifying areas for school rewards, choosing playground equipment and evaluating learning opportunities. Pupil questionnaires are completed at the end of each year, and from this, an action plan is devised. Children in Y2,3,4 complete a citizenship project re making laws and abiding by laws. The children visit parliament and are able to put this learning into everyday practice.
Democracy |
Invite pupils to democratically elect the school council/SNAG/ECO Council. |
Ask parents and pupils to complete a biannual questionnaire and use the comments to make improvements to the school. |
Ask young people to contribute to the drawing up of their class charter/rules. |
Instigate activities that involve turn-taking, sharing and collaboration. |
Engage with local Councillors and MP’s to learn more about local democracy, elections and their role. |
The Rule of Law
Our pupils will encounter rules and laws throughout their lives from learning how to manage their feelings and behaviour to learning right from wrong and dealing with the consequences of their actions. Classes devise their own class rules at the beginning of the year and copies of the agreed rules’ can be found around the school. Children are integral to all rule making across the school. The school operates a positive’ behaviour system which rewards positive behaviour and children are aware of the consequences of not following rules, as noted in the behaviour policy. The school is the hub of the community and the community is at the heart of the school. We have an awful lot to learn from each other. Throughout the year we welcome visits from the local community police officers and fire brigade to further support this aspect of the curriculum. We also visit Safety works annually so that children can learn from actual experience and drama e.g. what can happen if you play on train tracks, or play with matches etc.
Rule of law |
Invite visitors from the local police station/fire station/ doctors/ church etc to reinforce pupils’ understanding of the responsibilities held by various professions. |
Create and reinforce ‘rules’, playground rules and safety rules within the school. |
Ensure a consistently applied Behaviour Policy is shared with pupils and its impact apparent in all areas of the school. |
Ensure that pupils understand their own and others’ behaviour and its consequences, and learn to distinguish right from wrong. |
Introduce playground buddies to support the behaviour for all pupils. |
Implement school-home contracts on expected behaviour for all pupils. |
Individual Liberty
We invest a great deal of time in creating a positive culture in our school so that children feel that they are in a safe environment where choices and freedoms are encouraged. Through our PHSE curriculum, children are encouraged to build a positive sense of themselves. Through activities such as ‘Safety Week’ and ‘Anti-Bullying Week’, children are empowered to make informed, safe, moral choices and activities such as the celebration of Armistice day the importance of liberty is reiterated.
Individual liberty |
Deliver lessons on e-safety and anti-bullying lessons. |
Teach pupils the importance of speaking up about their problems and sharing them with a trusted adult. |
Use ‘circle-time’ sessions to give pupils a chance to share their feelings and opinions in a safe way. |
Extra-curricular clubs and opportunities available for all pupils. |
Provide opportunities for pupils to explore the language of feelings and responsibility, to reflect on their differences and understand that people are free to have different opinions. |
Teach pupils about different races and cultures. |
Mutual respect and Tolerance of those with different Faiths and Beliefs
Children are encouraged to treat others as they would wish to be treated themselves. They learn how to be part of a community, manage their feelings and form relationships. The school has an ethos of inclusivity where different views, faiths and cultures are valued. We strongly believe that tolerance relies on understanding and we regularly have interfaith and cultural weeks where we give children the opportunity to explore the main ideas behind different religions and cultures as well as visit places of cultural and religious interest in the locality. We are part of the E-Twinning community which gives the children chance to communicate and share learning with schools across the UK and the world.. Our anti-Bullying week ensures that children are equipped to recognise their role in challenging bullying and antisocial behaviours. We regularly invite charities like Show Racism the Red Card into school. The school visits local residential homes, giving the children the opportunity to cultivate inter generational awareness representatives of the school take part in activities.
Mutual respect and tolerance of those with different faiths and beliefs |
Hold an annual anti-bullying week, during which pupils are taught to value differences in others, and themselves, and to respect others. |
Celebrate events such as Black History Month, LGBT, Disability History Month, |
Encourage pupils and their families to support various charities each year. |
Ensure that the RE syllabus is followed – pupils will learn about all of the religions of the world. |
Organise trips and visits to different places of worship. |
Take time to ensure pupils understand and appreciate similarities and differences between themselves and others, and among families, faiths, communities, cultures and traditions. |