E-Safety/Privacy Notice
cambo first cp-safeguarding final copy23-24 (2)
Copy of Cambo First School acceptable use policy 2023-24
Online_Safety Policy aut 23-24
Copy of Copy of Behaviour policy 23-24
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Cambo First School Remote Education Policy under covid.docx
National Online Safety
As a school we buy into this company for e safety
NOS/Wakeup Wednesday – newsletter emailed to staff/parents/governors and community every Wednesday
Safety Matters – All staff/governors
NOS/Monthly Newsletter – newsletter emailed to staff/parents/governors and community each month
NOS / CPD/e Safety Training – All staff/governors and parents have access to CPD training via NOS user names/ passwords. The school is able to monitor CPD. New training that is added to the platform is communicated via email.
Important items that are considered vital to safeguarding/e safety will be emailed to staff/parents/governors and community as and when necessary e.g. Encompass 9/9/22
More Information?
Below are a selection of websites and resources which children and parents can use to increase their knowledge of how to stay safe on line.
Please pay particular attention to the CEOP (Child Exploitation and Online Protection) website at which parents and children can report any concerns they have. We also have a link on our website.
We would recommend parents view this site by the NSPCC which gives in depth information about popular apps which children use and how to keep them safe, including how to effectively operate privacy settings.
https://www.nspcc.org.uk/keeping-children-safe/support-for-parents/pants-underwear-rule/ – Pants Campaign
https://www.nspcc.org.uk/what-is-child-abuse/types-of-abuse/bullying-and-cyberbullying/ – cyberbullying
What to do if you feel that a child is being abused:
Social Media Guidance For Parents
Android devices [parental controls]
Amazon devices [parental controls]
Think You Know? – child friendly information by CEOP
South West Grid for Learning (who produce our E safety Scheme of Work)
Safer Internet Day (information linked to the annual event)
Common Sense Media site reviews videos, games, books, and websites to help parents and children know which ones are safe to use.
‘Get Safe On-line’, gives answers to many questions, via ‘Terry Tablet’ who answers any questions, informative videos and includes an update
Kid Smart – guidance on different areas of on line communication
Net Smartz Kids – child friendly activity site
Newsround Quiz – safety quiz and information from the BBC
I Keep Safe – adult orientated sight with strong parenting advice for on line protection
Data Protection/Privacy Notice
The following statement explains Cambo First School’s policy regarding personal information given to us at any time. Our aim is to meet current best practice and to respect your privacy in accordance with the Data Protection Act 1998 / and the new Data Protection Act which came into force May 2018.
Operation Encompass is an innovative project in which schools in Northumberland are participating, and which is run in partnership with Northumberland County Council and Northumbria Police. Many other Local Authorities, both nationally and locally have successfully implemented Operation Encompass. Operation Encompass commenced on 3rd April 2017, aiming to support children and young people who are affected by domestic abuse.
Experiencing domestic abuse is really distressing for a child or young person, who often see the abuse, hear it from another room, see a parent’s injuries or distress afterwards or can be physically hurt by trying to stop the abuse.
As a result, following any domestic abuse incident being reported to the police, the Police will make contact with Children’s Social Care who will then communicate relevant and necessary information to nominated school staff. [Mrs Cummings/Mrs Patterson]. This will ensure that the school is made aware at the earliest possible opportunity and can subsequently provide support to children in a way that means they feel safe and listened to.
Each school has members of staff who have been fully trained in liaising with police and Children’s Social Care when required, and will ensure that the necessary support is made available to the child or young person following the disclosure of a domestic abuse incident.
I believe that this project demonstrates our school’s commitment to working in partnership to safeguard and protect children, and to providing the best possible care and support for our pupils.
In the meantime, if you would like to speak to someone further about the project or require further information, please contact our key adults in school who are Mrs Cummings/Mrs Patterson.
You can find out more information here:
http://www.operationencompass.org/ and http://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/p03y9r5h
Operation Endeavour
This is an innovative project in which schools and colleges in Northumberland are participating, and which is run in partnership with Northumberland County Council and Northumbria Police. See below for more information.
Operation Endeavour commenced in November 2018, aiming to support children and young people who go missing from home. Children who go missing from home are at risk of significant harm and they may be vulnerable to sexual exploitation, violent crime, gang exploitation, or to drug and alcohol misuse.
As a result, following any report of a child going missing to the Police, the Police will make contact with Children’s Social Care who will then communicate relevant and necessary information to nominated school staff.
Each school has members of staff (key adults) who have been fully trained in liaising with the Police and Children’s Social Care when required, and will ensure that the necessary support is made available to the child or young person following their return.
I believe that this project demonstrates our school’s commitment to working in partnership to safeguard and protect children, and to providing the best possible care and support for our pupils.
In the meantime, if you would like to speak to someone further about the project or require further information please contact our key adult in school who is Mrs Paula Cummings
County Lines
County Lines’ is a term used when drug gangs from big cities expand their operations to smaller towns, often using violence to drive out local dealers and exploiting children and vulnerable people to sell drugs.
These dealers will use dedicated mobile phone lines, known as ‘deal/mule lines’, to take orders from drug users. Heroin, cocaine and crack cocaine are the most common drugs being supplied and ordered. In most instances, the users or customers will live in a different area to where the dealers and networks are based, so drug runners are needed to transport the drugs and collect payment.
A common feature in county lines drug supply is the exploitation of young and vulnerable people. The dealers will frequently target children and adults – often with mental health or addiction problems – to act as drug runners or move cash so they can stay under the radar of law enforcement.
In some cases the dealers will take over a local property, normally belonging to a vulnerable person, and use it to operate their criminal activity from. This is known as cuckooing.
People exploited in this way will quite often be exposed to physical, mental and sexual abuse, and in some instances will be trafficked to areas a long way from home as part of the network’s drug dealing business.
As we have seen in child sexual exploitation, children often don’t see themselves as victims or realise they have been groomed to get involved in criminality. So it’s important that we all play our part to understand county lines and speak out if we have concerns. For more information: