Mental Health and Wellbeing at Cambo First School

At Cambo First School, we aim to promote positive mental health and well-being for our whole school community; pupils, staff, parents and carers, and recognise how important mental health and emotional well-being is within our lives; and the impact it has on our lives in just the same way as physical health.

We recognise that children’s mental health is a crucial factor in their overall wellbeing and can affect their learning and achievement. Persistent mental health problems may lead to children having significantly greater difficulty in learning than the majority of those of the same age.

Groundswell Clipart Free Health And Wellness Clipart

The Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND) Code of Practice identifies Social, Emotional and Mental Health as one of the four areas of Special Educational Need. All children go through ups and downs through their school career and some face significant life events. About 10% of pupils aged 5 to 16 have a diagnosable mental health need and these can have an enormous impact on their quality of life, relationships and academic achievement.

The Department for Education (DfE) recognises that: “in order to help their pupils succeed; schools have a role to play in supporting them to be resilient and mentally healthy”. Schools can be a place for children and young people to experience a nurturing and supportive environment that has the potential to develop self-esteem and give positive experiences for overcoming adversity and building resilience.

Woman in yoga position clip art at vector clip art image

For some children, school will be a place of respite from difficult home lives and offer positive role models and relationships, which are critical in promoting pupil’s well-being and can help engender a sense of belonging and community. Our role in school is to ensure that they are able to manage times of change and stress, be resilient, are supported to reach their potential and access help when they need it.

We also have a role to ensure that pupils learn about what they can do to maintain positive mental health, what affects their mental health, how they can help reduce the stigma and bias surrounding mental health issues and where they can go if they need help and support.

Our aim is to help develop the protective factors which build resilience to mental health problems and be a school where:


 all pupils are valued

 pupils have a sense of belonging and feel safe

 pupils feel able to talk openly with trusted adults about their problems without feeling any stigma

 positive mental health is promoted and valued                                                                                          

 bullying is not tolerated1000+ image about Awesome Schools

 key information about some common mental health problems

 where parents, staff and pupils can get advice and support



Dear Parents/carers this week we will be thinking about the mental health and wellbeing of our children and community. I am attaching some really good videos to share with your child enabling you to support them. they are only 3-4 minutes long.  videos for parents


Northumberland Health and Wellbeing Strategy 2018-2028

Northumberland Local Offer

Cambo First School Local Offer

Promoting Children and Young People’s Health and Wellbeing


Support for children transitioning from First/ Primary to middle/Secondary

The Salvation Army has recently launched a podcast series of six to seven minute episodes, focusing on Y6 children transitioning to secondary school, however they are also very pertinent to our children as they leave us in Y4 for middle school.

The latest edition of the Thriving Together newsletter is now available to download.

Come and join us…

On Wednesday morning from 9.15-10.15 we have a social, mental heatth and wellbeing get together in school. This is a really relaxed get together. No appointments, No pressure to talk or anything else, Come for a chat or a cup of coffee  or just for a change of scenery!  All are more than welcome!

Mrs C

Domestic Abuse

Hestia Bright Sky – This is an app that helps to identify if someone is at risk of domestic abuse. The program was suggested by a parent

– NEWSLETTER Autumn 22


Need to contact our health visitor?

The Harrogate and District Foundation Trust provide 0-19 Services across Northumberland. This includes Health Visiting and School Nursing Services as well as Infant Feeding support. There is a single point of contact for all of the 0-19 Services which is 0300 3732488. A member of the admin team will answer the call and direct it to the most appropriate person to answer the query. If a parent does not know the name of the health practitioner involved in their care the admin person will be able to direct the call to a duty health visitor or school nurse who can offer advice and support or request a professional is allocated.

This would be the same number for any professional to call for re-direction to the required /most appropriate service.


Alternatively the 0-19 Service can be contacted via Health Chat available with the Growing Healthy app.The Harrogate and District Foundation Trust provide 0-19 Services across Northumberland. This includes Health Visiting and School Nursing Services as well as Infant Feeding support. There is a single point of contact for all of the 0-19 Services which is 0300 3732488. A member of the admin team will answer the call and direct it to the most appropriate person to answer the query. If a parent does not know the name of the health practitioner involved in their care the admin person will be able to direct the call to a duty health visitor or school nurse who can offer advice and support or request a professional is allocated.

This would be the same number for any professional to call for re-direction to the required /most appropriate service.


Alternatively the 0-19 Service can be contacted via Health Chat available with the Growing Healthy app.


You will find the Northumberland Local Offer by following this link

Julie Murray

Early Years and Childcare Performance Partner(Central and South East Locality)

Northumberland County Council,

Well Being and Community Health Service

Education and Skills

Mob: 07976793762



Support at Christmas






If you need to talk about what’s on your mind, your mental or emotional wellbeing, when it’s urgent but not an emergency. Talk anonymously to a qualified professional online on [Kooth link] or Text SHOUT to 85258Or Call Samaritans on 116 123

Whatever is on your mind, help and support is available. Talk to a qualified professional or other people in the community on [Kooth link]  or Find support through:Live chatMessagingForumsPodcasts Self helpDownload Assets for Kooth 

Christmas You’re not alone this Christmas! For free, safe & anonymous mental health support visit or 
Struggling this festive season? Young people and/or adults can access safe online support for their mental health on or 


Staff – 24-hour text support, start your text with CONNECT – 24-hour telephone support 

Education Support Partnership:
Education Support Partnership runs a free and confidential support service, which can be accessed by all  teachers and support staff across the UK. The charity’s specialist helpline and text services include access to in-the-moment support, up to six sessions of structured telephone counselling, and assistance with referrals for longer-term treatments. Any teacher who is feeling overwhelmed, fearful, worried, anxious or disinterested in life can get in touch, no matter how insignificant they think their problems may be. The service is available 24/7. For more information please visit:

Qwell Immediate Help Urgently

Anna Freud Institute How to support a colleague with mental health difficulties

Staff Wellbeing

Supporting staff wellbeing in schools covid

Wellbeing Padlet resources and Information


Psychological Services

Emotional Wellbeing

NHS Mental Health Service Finder


Northumberland Communication Speech and Language

Northumberland Autism Service

Equalities information Resource Padlet

Northumberland Portage


Health Watch Northumberland,Call%3A%200300%20303%200700.

Positive Psychology Coping Mechanisms


PSHE Padlet

TES SEN Show:*Supporting the Emotional and Mental Health of the Education Workforce free webinar. Suitable for all Key Stages. 

Parents/carers/adultsWellness cliparts

Jill Sandeman is our school Educational Psychologist.  Jill has created a series of conversations between 2 EPs about a range of topics to support parents and to support children’s learning. The snippets include:  the importance of sleep, movement, connection, noticing, rest etc.
They are on the new You Tube channel . Have a look.

Qwell Immediate Help Urgently 

Wellbeing Padlet resource and Information


NHS Mental Health Service Finder


Ukranian Hosts  Padlet


Anna Freud Institute How to support a colleague with mental health difficulties


Barnardo’s See, hear, respond hub:* information for parents and carers to help with some of the challenges the pandemic has presented. 



In talking to children about something that is worrying or upsetting them…

Focus on listening: Let them talk.

Ask occasional open questions if you need to in order to encourage them to keep exploring their feelings and opening up to you.

Just letting them pour out what they’re thinking will make a huge difference and marks a huge first step in recovery.


Don’t pretend to understand:

The concept of a mental health difficulty can seem completely alien if you’ve never experienced these difficulties first hand.

You may find yourself wondering why on earth someone would feel like this, but don’t explore those feelings with the sufferer.


Instead listen hard to what they’re saying and encourage them to talk and you’ll slowly start to understand what steps they might be ready to take in order to start making some changes.


Don’t be afraid to make eye contact:

It’s important to try to maintain a natural level of eye contact (even if you have to think very hard about doing so and it doesn’t feel natural to you at all).

If you make too much eye contact, your child may interpret this as you staring at them.

They may think that you are horrified about what they are saying or think they are a ‘freak’. On the other hand, if you don’t make eye contact at all then your child may interpret this as you being disappointed with them – to the extent that you can’t bring yourself to look at them.

Making an effort to maintain natural eye contact will convey a very positive message.


Offer support: Never leave this kind of conversation without agreeing next steps.

This could be as straightforward as speaking to another family member, contacting an organisation or speaking to us.


Acknowledge how hard it is to discuss these issues:

Acknowledging both how brave they have been, and how glad you are they chose to speak to you, conveys positive messages of support.


Don’t assume that an apparently negative response is actually a negative response:

Don’t be offended or upset if your offers of help are met with anger, indifference or insolence, it’s whatever is worrying them that is talking, not your child.


Never break your promises: Above all else, your child wants to know they can trust you.

You can also be honest about the fact you don’t have all the answers or aren’t exactly sure what will happen next.


Think about which next steps you can take together.

BBC When I worry

Wellbeing Apps or kids[to purchase]

Little Blue Book of Sunshine explains some things a child or young person can try to feel better and who they can turn to if things feel too much

Young person’s guide’ from the #CopingGuides series has information about local services and national helplines. There’s advice for family life, wellbeing of primary and secondary school aged children, and specific resources for young people. 

Kooth offer children and young people online counselling until 10pm and peer support 24/7 [older children e.g. not first school]

Chill Panda suitable for 6-12 year olds Relax and Manage your Worries


General Support

Corona Virus

Supporting  wellbeing in schools covid

NHS Covid App

Emotional well being 

Northumberland County Council

NHS  Mental Health Services


English As An Additional Language

Northumberland County Council


Psychological Services

Northumberland Psychological Services Information


Communication Speech and Language

Northumberland Speech and Language


Specific Difficulties

Northumberland Specific Difficulties



Northumberland Autism Service





Child And Adolescent Mental Health Service Northumberland